
A public competition has been announced for the submission of conceptual solutions for an ethnic store in the Durmitor region

Within the project "Promotion of traditional agricultural products of the Durmitor region", supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Montenegro, the NGO "Da žavivi selo" and the NGO "Information Center Pljevlja" are announcing


                                                                                                        OPEN COMPETITION

                                                                for the submission of conceptual solutions for the ethno-shop of the Durmitor region


The subject of the Competition is the creation of a concept design for an ethnic store in the Durmitor region, which includes five municipalities: Pljevlja, Žabljak, Mojkovac, Plužine and Šavnik.


The goal of the Competition is to create a concept design for an ethnic store in the Durmitor region, which would be offered to local governments in five municipalities of the Durmitor region: Pljevlja, Žabljak, Mojkovac, Plužine and Šavnik.

To the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Montenegro, the National Tourist Organization, National Parks and other relevant entities in order to implement this conceptual solution in the area of Durmitor region with the aim that all sales facilities in this region will be uniform, recognizable and with characteristic traditional architecture.

The ethno-store should represent a building that architecturally resembles the traditional rural architecture of the Durmitor region, built in a combination of stone and wood.

An ethnic store should meet the following characteristics:

- To architecturally correspond to the traditional construction of the Durmitor region (combination of wood and stone)
- That its function is commercial and service, for exhibiting and selling traditional products, food, souvenirs and other things from the Durmitor region


All individuals and legal entities from the country and region have the right to participate in the Competition.


The conceptual solution should contain: a textual explanation of the concept of the conceptual solution and other technical indicators, graphic attachments (base of the object, characteristic sections and axonometric layout) and, if possible, a 3D representation of the design solution.


The conceptual design proposal must be signed with a code in the lower right corner of all sheets and on the CD.

Documentation should be submitted in analog and digital form. Coded works should be sent in a closed envelope, with the indication "Do not open, Proposal of conceptual solution for ethnic store of Durmitor region".

Submit information about the author or authors or the legal entity in a special sealed, coded envelope marked "Do not open, Proposal of conceptual design for ethnic store Durmitor region" - code solution".


The author of the adopted Conceptual solution under this Competition is entitled to a cash prize in the gross amount of:
1 000,00 €.


Proposals of the Competition

1. The Public Competition lasts from 01.10. until 02.11.2020. years.

2. Contest documentation is submitted in person or by mail in a sealed envelope to the address:

NGO "Da žavivi selo", Vuka Karadžića street no. 36, 84210-Pljevlja.

3. The commission will not consider incomplete and untimely submission of Competition documentation.

4. By submitting the work, each participant accepts the proposals of the Competition.

5. Submitted documentation is not returned.

6. The received documentation is opened and evaluated by an expert commission, appointed by the NGO "Da zaživi selo", namely: a representative of the NGO, a representative of the local self-government, a representative of the Tourist Organization.

7. The committee chooses the best solution by majority vote.

9. The results of the Contest will be published within 10 days from the day of the Commission's decision.

10. The commission reserves the right not to accept any of the works received.

11. Minor graphic corrections may be suggested to the candidate whose work was evaluated as the best, at the proposal of the Commission.

12. By signing the Agreement, the NGO "Da žavivi selo" becomes the owner of the produced goods, thereby acquiring the right to exclusive material exploitation of the solution.

13. By signing the Agreement, the candidate agrees with the provision on the originality of the work, and that in the event of a dispute with a third party, he/she independently bears the entire legal and material responsibility.

14. The NGO "Da zavivi selo" agrees that the selected candidate reserves the right to refine (redesign) the conceptual plan.

15. The selected candidate is obliged to submit the Conceptual Solution and all its variants in vector form to the NGO "Da žavivi selo".


For those interested in participating in the Competition, contact mobile is available. tel. +38267-821-399 and e-mail: dazaziviselo@yahoo.com.