According to some old legends, the Greek gods from Olympus chose Durmitor as their resting place. Durmitor is a mythical mountain and many legends and myths are connected to it. There is almost no toponym that is not related to an interesting story, which actually expresses the power and strength of Durmitor. We will mention only some, let the rest remain the product of imagination or personal knowledge.

A stout guy named Todor fell in love with a beautiful girl Ružica from the neighboring village. He was young and strong.

The mountain fairies that lived in the forests of the high peaks of Durmitor descended to the foot of the mountain at sunset to play a round in the meadows full of flowers. They would hold hands and dance their game making a circle. The fairies were of exceptional beauty and seduced even the best men. Only the chosen ones were allowed to play in their round.

Once they invited him to the mountain in their circle, on the condition that he does not carry any weapons with him. But Todor forgot to leave the knife, which he always carried as a shepherd. He came to the fairies and enjoyed their games for a long time. Then the fairies saw his knife. Getting angry because of the knife, and perhaps out of envy for Todor's love for Ružica, they lifted him into the clouds and threw him down the cliffs.

According to legend, Todor fell on his chest and broke off a part of the mountain. That's how the peak in the immediate vicinity of Prutaš got the name Gruda. Todor found his eternal peace in the valley, under the mountain, and the valley was named after him - Todor's do.

Due to her loss and great sadness, Ružica headed for the mountains on the opposite side, from which she never returned.

43.1349, 18.9701

While the shepherds mourned for Todor and his beautiful Ružica, the fairies rejoiced in revenge, celebrated with song and dance on top of the mountain. After the game, tired and intertwined in a circle, they fell asleep.

The shepherds figured out how to take revenge for Todor and Ružica. They entwined their shepherd's staffs and branches into ladders and climbed up the steepest cliffs of the mountain unnoticed. At the very top they found fairies in their sleep. They took advantage of the opportunity and tied their golden hair in one bundle, and then tied the hair to a black rock that they pushed down the mountain. Excruciating pain woke the fairies, and their desperate cries echoed through the mountain.

The heavy rocks pulled out their hair, and they lost their power. They hid deep in a cave on Durmitor, which is now called the Fairy's Cave. Branches and shepherd's sticks remained, which over time turned into stone and thus gave the name to this mountain: Prutaš.

In another version of the legend, the fairies tried to hold on to the rocks with their long nails, so as not to fall back into the abyss. They thus scratched the surface of the rocks and left deep traces behind them - rods, which can still be seen today.

Prutaš is not only impressive when viewed from the foothills. It is a favorite among mountaineers, because from its top it offers one of the best views of the Durmitor region.

43.1266, 19.0015

  • ALIŠNlCA – katun, got its name from the grassy valleys (alishnicas)
  • ALUGE – A village at the exit from the Tara canyon, towards Žabljak, (Aluga -uma)
  • ALUŠKI POTOK – in the village of Aluge
  • ARBANAS POLJANA – named after the Arbanas (Arnauts, Albanians), who perished there
  • BAB'S VALLEY - after Bab (Krstajić), who took shelter there from the storm
  • BAJILOVlĆA SIGE – by the Bojilović family
  • BALAŠICA – after Balša (brother of Voivode Momčil), who lived there
  • BANDIERN - in that it resembles a bandier (pole, pole)
  • SPA KATUN – according to Banjani
  • BARAN'S COTTAGES - after the Baranin family, who had their katun there
  • BARE KRSTAJlĆA - according to the owners Krstajići
  • BARE ŽUGlĆA – by the Žugić family
  • POUNDS - by small puddles - ponds, which form there in autumn and spring
  • BARNI DO – surroundings of Barni jezera
  • BARNO JEZERO – because it looks like a pond. The greater part of the lake is covered by a grassy green area.
  • BAVANI - after the Bavan family, which used to raise cattle there
  • BEGOVA BARA - after the former owners Selmanović, begs from Pljevlja
  • BEGOVINA - after the Turk - a beg who was executed there
  • BEGOVO POLJE - after the former owners Selmanović, beys from Pljevlja
  • NAMELESS PEAK – prominent peak on Durmitor, near Bobot's Kuk
  • WHITE ROCK – by the white color of limestone milk (water that comes out of rocks and dissolves limestone)
  • BIJELA VERLA - got its name from the large amount of limestone and the fact that it bubbles when snow melts or rain falls.
  • WHITE ROCKS – got their name from the white limestone
  • BILJEGOV DO – got its name from the shepherds who shot the mark (target) from a rifle
  • BISTRlCA – the village got its name from the word of the same name
  • MUD – got its name from the mud during rain
  • BOBAN – named after the shepherd Boban
  • BOBOT'S KUK - the highest peak of Durmitor. It got its name from the Bobota family, which moved from Banjan with cattle to pasture.
  • BOBOVO – a village near Ljubišnja, named after the bean that thrives there
  • BOBUT'S BEAM - according to the Bobuta family from Banjan, who had their huts there (under the beam).
  • THE PLACE OF GOD - the inhabitants prayed to God in that place, because they did not have a church
  • BOLJ – the family home of the Bolj family, which once lived in Komarnica
  • BOLJ BEAMS – by cotton Bolj
  • BORJANICE - used to be overgrown with young pine
  • BORJE – a village east of Tepački polje. Named after the white pine.
  • BOROVA - was once overgrown with pine forest
  • BOROVA GLAVA - a hill near Brenovo. It got its name from the pines that once covered it
  • BOTUN – after the Botun family, which once lived there
  • YOU DEFEND UNTIL - by prohibition - the defense to let cattle graze in it, to mow the grass
  • HILLS - elevations above the plain
  • BRENOVO (BRANOVO) – because the locals deepened the stream bed and thus protected the surrounding land from floods
  • BIRCH - named after birch trees
  • BRNJEVINA - after the nickname brnja (or brnjaš - a horse that has a white mark from the eyes to the muzzle)
  • COUNTING - this is where the cattle were counted to see that nothing was lost
  • BUČUM - after the Bučum family, which once had stables there
  • BUDEČEVAČKI BROD - draft on the river Tara, near the big bridge
  • BUDEČEVICA - after the Budečevac family, which once lived there
  • BUJKO'S STONE - after Bujko the triftar (rafter), who drowned there
  • BUJO'S SADDLE - according to Bujo, the horse's harness (the strap used to fasten the saddle to the horse) broke and the saddle fell from his horse.
  • BUK ARANĐEL - near the Archangel Michael monastery
  • BUK – a place on the river where the water bubbles
  • BUK WHITE STONE – after the white stone, over which the water is poured
  • INVISIBLE NOISE - in that it is not visible, until you are in its immediate vicinity
  • BUK SOKOLOVINA - after the falcon bird, which lives in Tarski Grede
  • NOISE COMPLEXION - in that it appears to be convoluted
  • BUK ZUTO PRLO – got its name from the yellow color of the surroundings
  • BUKOVE DOLINA - were once overgrown with beech forest
  • BUKOVICA - place and river, named after the beech forest
  • BUKOVIČKA GORA - for the richness of the beech forest
  • BUREV DO – was once overgrown with pine forest and got the name Burov due to incorrect linguistic usage
  • BUSIKA – a meadow overgrown with a special type of grass called busika
  • CIJEPAC - general name for a part of the property obtained during the division (splitting) of the brothers. It is named after its owner, for example Kićin, Batrićev...
  • CREPULJ POLJANA - because the shepherds used to bake bread under the crepulj (broad-leaved plant)
  • CRIJEMUSHA (SRIJEMUSHA) - a type of grass that can be eaten
  • CHURCHES – named after the remains of the church
  • CRNA PODA – named after the black pine habitat. There is the only black pine reserve in Europe
  • BLACK TOP – because it is overgrown with pine
  • BLACK LAKE – by the coniferous forest that is reflected in it. According to legend, it was created by Saint Sava to punish disobedient monks who did not adhere to church canons.
  • RED BEAM – by the red color of its rocks
  • RED CAVE – by the reddish color of its interior
  • RED ROCK – by the color of the rock
  • CVIJIĆ'S ORNICA - a field (on which grain was sown), named after Cvij Spasojević, the great-grandfather of Jovan Cvijić
  • CHAIRI - gullies overgrown with grass - hayfields
  • CHAMOVINE – by fir and spruce forest (Chamovine)
  • ČANČIĆI – water springs, which look like chankas, which is how they got their name
  • CHARDACI - The Turks used to have their chardacs there
  • ČARDAK - after Čardak, which was built there by the Turks
  • CHARK'S HAIR – after the Turk Čarka
  • ČARKOVO POLJE - after the Turk Čarko, who was killed there with a saber (cut)
  • ČAUŠIŠTA - this is where the čauši - messengers - rested
  • ČELINA - a place where water periodically erupts and fills the Black Lake basin - looks like a forehead
  • ČIPČIJE - according to the inhabitants who were settled there by the Turks, who were in the position of čipči - serfs who cultivate the Spahian land
  • CLEAN SIDE – in that there is no juniper or other trees on it
  • ČOLOVA BOSAČA - after Čol, who lived there
  • ČVOROV BOGAZ - after Čvor (Milutin Baranin), who used to hunt chamois there
  • ĆIPOROVAČA - after the shepherd Ćipur
  • ĆIR'S CAVE - another name for Bobot's hip, named after Ćir (Stijepović), who inadvertently killed his son while hunting
  • ĆIROVA POLJANA - after Ćir (Baranin)
  • ĆOR BUDŽAK - after Ćor Sim (Džaković)
  • ĆOSOV POLJANAK - after Ćos (Novosel)
  • ĆUROVAC (ĆUREVAC) - according to the shepherds who watched from it - rushed to Tara
  • CURUKAČA - after the pheasant's crowing
  • DAKlĆA PEĆINA – named after Spasoj Dakić, who hid there and died in it
  • THICK LAYER – an area under snow that never settles
  • DERNEK - got its name from the fact that shepherds used to gather there and hang out (hang out, have fun)
  • DIKIĆA STRANA - according to the owners of Dikići
  • DIVLJAKA - by fruit, wild apples (type of wild apple)
  • GOOD WATER - a spring near Motičke Potok, named after the clear and cold (good) water
  • DOBRI DO - got its name from good grazing for cattle during the summer
  • DRAGA – river and canyon, which were named after the shepherd Draga
  • DRAGIŠNICA - after Drago Nikitović, who was buried there
  • DRAŠKA USOV - named after the shepherd Draška, who died there
  • DEEP DOWN – deeper than other downs
  • LONG TRAIN – a very elongated valley
  • DURMITOR – there are three interpretations of this name. According to one, the gods rested there, so Durmitor means "resting place of the gods". According to the second interpretation, this name is derived from "dormira", to sleep and "tores" - hard, so Durmitor would mean hard or sweet sleep, and according to the third, that Durmitor is a word of Celtic origin and means water from the mountains
  • DUŠKO VALJE – according to the inhabitants of the village of Duži
  • JABASAN CITY - according to the remains of the buildings of the Dzabasan family
  • JABASAN BEAMS - by the Dzabasan family
  • JEK'S CHAIR - after Džeko Kaljević
  • DJILIT - a hill that resembles the medieval weapon Dzhilit. According to some, it got its name from the slaughtering of cattle
  • JUVERI - after the Djuver family
  • THE DEVILS LIE - got their name from the belief that devils cross here from one side of the Tara to the other
  • ĐEVIĆ KAMEN – named after a girl whose wedding party got mixed up (frozen in a blizzard), but she survived
  • ĐURO BRDO – after Đur Šamšal
  • GABELJA - after the Gabels (Roma, Gypsies), who pitched tents there
  • GADŽEVINE - after the Gadža family, which once lived there
  • GAY'S POOL - after Gaius, who overtook the cattle there to water
  • GAJSKI BUNAR - after the village of Motica Gaj, where it is located
  • GAL'S KRŠ - after Gal, who died there
  • BARE HAIR - because there is no forest on it
  • GOLO BRDO - a hill above Motička gaj, which was not covered with forest in the past
  • GOLOGLAV - glavica, above the village of Tepca, which was not overgrown with forest
  • GORNJE I DONJE POCIVALO - got its name from the resting place of travelers who went from Tepac to Nadgora
  • BEEF LAKE - according to the cattle that come to the watering hole.
  • GOVEĐI BOGAZ - according to the cattle that come out of the Jablan pond there
  • BEEF DO - according to the cattle that grazed there
  • GRABOVlCA - once a katun of the village of Komarnica, now a permanent settlement, named after the hornbeam forest that covered it
  • GRABOVIČKI IZVORI - in the village of Grabovica
  • GRADINA – according to the remains of the medieval town. There are more.
  • GRAN'S DOG - after Gran (Đerković), who fell there and died that way
  • GREEK CEMETERY - according to popular belief, the Greeks who lived in the area were buried there
  • THROAT - in that it resembles a throat (narrow passage)
  • GRUDA - more widely in lumps, which were carried by shepherds for a snack
  • LEPROSY – according to the fungus, a parasite on trees (from beech leprosy, effort is obtained to light the fire)
  • GUJA'S TRAIN - according to the adders (snakes) whose habitat is there
  • GUJINJAK - after the adders (snakes) that live there
  • GUSIN DO – after shepherd Gus
  • GUVANCE - a small village where grain was once harvested
  • IKOVlCA BARA - after Iko (Nikitović)
  • ILIN DO – after Ilija
  • THOUSANDS - because there were "thousands" of sheep there (there were thousands of them)
  • INĐINI DOLOVI - after Draguna Šibalić called Inđa
  • IVAN DO – a hamlet named after Ivan (Šibalić)
  • IVAN GLAVlCA - after Ivan who first built a hut there
  • IVOV RT – after young men of ivy (which was later replaced by a beech forest)
  • IVOVAC – once overgrown with ivy (a type of willow)
  • MECĆAJ - after sweeping (putting) feed to cattle
  • APPLE BARA - after the blossom of the apple tree, which is abundant there
  • JABLAN GLAVICA - after the apple blossom
  • JABLAN JEZERO - after the apple tree flower, which grows in its surroundings
  • APPLE VALLEY – after the apple blossom
  • LAMBS TO - by the lambs, which grazed on it
  • LAMB – after lambing of sheep
  • JAKOVLJEV SPOMENIK - the place where the national hero Jakov Ostojić was killed
  • JAKŠIĆA MILL – according to the owners and builders from Jakšić
  • JAMIN DO – by the pit at the bottom of the valley
  • JANKOVIĆA PRODO - according to the Janković family, under whose house it is located
  • JAPISKA USOV – according to the yapija (wooden structure), which descended along it to the river
  • JEREBICE - after the partridge birds, which nest there
  • JASENOVAC - after the ash trees
  • JASIK - after aspen
  • JASIKOVA GORA - after the aspen tree, with which it is overgrown
  • ASPIN HAIR – by aspen trees
  • JASIKOVAC - after the aspen, with which it is overgrown
  • ASPEN'S SHOULDER – by the aspen trees, with which it is overgrown
  • JATARE - by temporary buildings, hastily erected
  • JAUKOVICA OMAR – beech grove, named after the Jauković family
  • JAVORJE - the village got its name from the abundance of maple trees
  • JAVOROVACA - because of the maple trees, which once dominated there
  • BARLEY - suitable for sowing barley
  • JEJAČA - after the owls (owls) that live there
  • JEJEVCI - after the owls (owls) that have that habitat
  • DEER CAVE – by the deer's horns, which were found there
  • JELOV (JELOV) - by jelovin (fir tree)
  • JERINA'S TROUGH - after the infamous Jerina, who watered the horses there
  • LAKES - the foothills (area under the mountain) of Durmitor got its name from the abundance of water - lakes
  • LAKE - due to the fact that in the spring (when the snow melts) and in the fall (when heavy rains fall) it "lakes" - it turns into a lake
  • JEZERSKA GORA – in the forest around Zabojsko jezera
  • TONGUE POOL – got its name because it resembles a tongue
  • LANGUAGE - in that it resembles a language
  • JOVIĆI - after Jovići
  • JOV'S TOP - after Jov, who died there
  • JUNČE DO - according to the barren cattle (bulls) that the Jakšićs kept there
  • KABLENI DOLOI - because they look like cables (wooden containers for milking sheep, goats and cows)
  • KABLlCA BORJE - according to the cables in which the varenika (milk) is milked
  • KALUĖEROVACA - after the monks who took refuge there from the Turks
  • A MONK'S HEAD - after the monk whose head the Turks cut off there
  • KALUŠIĆI – by the Kalušić family
  • KAMENJAČA - by the indentation in the stone in which rainwater is collected (there are more of them and the most famous one is near Ćurevac)
  • KARADŽlĆA DOLOVI – katun, named after the Karadžić family who spent their summers there
  • PELVIS – in that it resembles a pelvis
  • KAR'S SPRING - a spring on the road below Stožina discovered and edited by Bogdan aka Karo (Krstajić)
  • KATALIN'S SPRING - after Katalina (Katarina), the wife of Herceg Stjepan
  • KATAVES - after the katavas (temporary dwellings made of branches and trees) that were built there by the inhabitants of Moticki gaj fleeing from the Germans in World War II
  • KATIN DO – after the shepherdess Kati
  • KATUN POD PLOČU - part of katun in Dobro dol (under the slab - large flat rocks)
  • KATUNIŠTA - by the remains of the former katun
  • KIĆIN UBO – after the owner Kića (Nikitović)
  • STATUE - looks like a statue
  • KLADA - the place got its name from the pine logs
  • KNEELED HEAD - looks like a head overgrown with juniper (curved pine)
  • JUNIPER SIDES - along the juniper pine curve
  • BEAK - looks like a bird's beak
  • KNEŽEVIĆA ZAGORAC - part of Zagorac (meadow behind the mountain - forest) belonging to the village of Kneževići
  • KOBILlCA BORJE - after the mares that took shelter there from the storm
  • MARES TO – according to the mares that were caught up there at the pasture
  • KOBILOVACA - after the mares that were foaled there
  • MARE'S HEAD – looks like a mare's head
  • KOČA DO – a hamlet of the village of Podgore, named after the Koča shepherd
  • KOJINE VLAKE - after the shepherd Koji (Novosel)
  • CRADLE – in that it resembles a cradle
  • KOMARNICA - the village of I Rijeka, which got its name from the river KOM (the residue after pressing the grapes
  • KOMARSKA POLJANA - to the beneficiaries, who moved from Komarnica
  • KOMARSKI KRAJ - according to the settlers from Komarnica
  • KOMARSKO - POŠĆENJSKI KRAJ - villages inhabited from Komarnica Pošćenj
  • Trough – in that they resemble a trough
  • KOTARIŠTA - kotars (fences for hay stacks) were once erected there.
  • BLACKSMITH'S STUMP - after the blacksmiths, who used to burn charcoal (charcoal) there
  • KOVAČKA DOLINA – according to the Kovačević family, which lives there
  • COFFINS – they look like coffins
  • KOVČICA - the village got its name from the fact that the kovča (fastener - connects) the field and the mountain
  • GOAT TOP - by goats
  • KRAGULJAC - after the bird called KRAGULJAC, which lived there
  • THE KING'S CHAIR - after King Nicholas who sat there
  • KRCIJE - by clearing the forest
  • KRIČKO POLJE - after the non-Slavic tribe Kriči, who once lived there
  • CRUNKS - on the remains of felled pines - stumps
  • FEEDING MUD - by the wild boars - the sows, which were cooling down there, rolling in the mud
  • CROSSROADS – at the crossing of paths and roads
  • KRSTAJIĆA STREAMS - according to the Krstajić family, who are the owners of the land through which the streams pass
  • KRUSKOV RT – by the pear tree
  • KRVAVAC - a source that got its name from the fact that Lapac, the duke of Drobnjak, killed Kaka, the duke of Krica, so the water turned red from the blood
  • HOUSE - houses used to be there
  • KULINA - a peak above Sava's water, which reminded St. Sava, when he went out there with his disciple, of a tower
  • KURDELJI - after the Kurdelj family
  • KUSTURINA GLAVICA - after Kustur who had a cabin there
  • PLAGUE DO - after the sick, who died there from the plague
  • LASTVA - grassy area in beams - cliffs
  • LALETIN DO – after Laleta, brother of duke Momčilo
  • LAL'S REST - by Lai (Pušonja)
  • LAUŠEVIĆI – by the Laušević family
  • LAVICA BRDO – after the Lions, who once lived there
  • LAZ - a place where the forest has been cleared, there are more of them
  • ICE CAVE – because of the abundance of ice jewelry in it
  • ICE TO – on ice and snow
  • ICE SPRING – by ice water
  • LEVER TARA - the village got its name from the guards Leveri (Neferi), who used to dine there
  • LEVERSKI MOST - after the Levers, who guarded it
  • FACE – the side facing the sun – looks like a cheek-face
  • LIPOVA RAVAN – by the linden forest
  • LIPOVAC – by the linden forest
  • LISOVlCA SUME - after the Lisović family, which once had livestock there
  • GREASE - in that it resembles tallow
  • LOJOVINE - after the Lojo Muslim family, which had its katuns there
  • Puddles – cotton that got its name from puddles
  • BROKEN THROAT - after a broken bone
  • LUČEVAČA - after the black pine (luc), which once grew there
  • LUČ'S HOUSE - after Luka, who once had a house there
  • LUCINA VRH – according to Luka
  • PORT – by the landing of the rafts and the fertile plain
  • LUKE NINKOVIĆ - after the Ninković family, who once lived there
  • LJUBOV BRIJEG – after the owner Ljub (Gujić)
  • LJUC (LUČ) – from black pine cones, from which quality onion was obtained
  • LJUTICA - hot spring, named after the Ljutić family, which once lived there
  • MACANSKA POLJANA - after the first settlers - the Macans (surname of the family)
  • MACK'S DO – by wild cats
  • MAJČINA GLAVlCA - this is where barley thrived best, which is said to be the mother of all grains.
  • MALA CRNA GORA - a village named after a coniferous forest
  • MALA RBATINA - looks like the back of an animal, which is why it got its name
  • LITTLE DOG - after Vukašin (Baranin), who fell there from a height of 30 m and remained alive
  • MARICA – spring, named after the shepherdess Marica
  • MARIĆA BARE – after the Marić family, which used to be their owner
  • MARIĆA BUNAR – a well in the village of Podgora, named after the Marić family
  • MARK'S SIDE - after Marko Novoselo
  • MAZ'S GROB - after Nikola Mazić, who was swept away (frozen) there
  • MEDJED – one of the peaks of Durmitor, named after a bear, because it looks like one
  • BETWEEN TO - bears used to pass that way in autumn and spring
  • MEDJUGORJE - located among mountains (forest)
  • MEDJUŽVALJE - by the jaws, the mouth, because it is located between two hills, as if between the jaws
  • SOFT TO - due to the richness of the grass, which is thick and soft when stepped on
  • MESNI POTOK - after the stolen cattle, which were slaughtered there and the meat was hidden
  • MEŽDO – the village was named after Mežo (who wintered there with cattle)
  • MIĆ'S POLJANAK - after Mić Šamšal
  • MIJAILOV DO – named after Mijailo
  • MILIĆ'S GROB - according to Milić, a triftar (rafter), who drowned in Tara and was buried there
  • MILINK'S GROB - after Milink (Macan), who was buried there
  • MILJEVCA BARA (STEVOVA BARA) – after Steve (Stijepović)
  • MILOS'S POOL - after Miloš, who caught up with the cattle to water there
  • MINI'S GOD - after the hunter Mini (Samshal)
  • MIOC GAJSKA POLJANA (BIG AND SMALL) - after the shepherd Mioc, who looked after sheep there
  • MLADENOVICI - by the Mladenović family
  • DAIRY FLOOR - for high-quality grass, from which the sheep give a lot of milk
  • DAIRY BOWLS - on high-quality pastures from which the sheep milk very well, i.e. they give a lot of milk
  • MLINSKI POTOK - due to the large number of mills (watermills), which were once located on it
  • BLUE LAKE – by the blue color of the water
  • WET ROCK – by the drops of water that flow down it
  • MOTIČKI GAJ - the village was named after Tom (Vuković), who killed a Turk with a hoe
  • MOTIČKI POTOCI - in the Motica grove, under which they flow
  • MOTICO GROBLJE – in Javorovača. According to the Vukovićs - Motiks, who used to be buried there
  • MRAMORJE - by marbles (grave)
  • MRCAJ - through the dense dark forest
  • MRČAJEVAC - according to the dense, dark (dark) forest, with which it is overgrown
  • MRCINA VALLEY - by dead cattle (Mrcina)
  • MUŠ'S COTTAGE - according to the owner Muš (Milutin Baranin)
  • NADGORJE - above the mountain (forest)
  • NADGORA - a village located above a mountain (forest)
  • SETTLEMENT – above the rocks
  • HEAVENLY SOA - one of the peaks of Durmitor, named after soi (supporter) - it supports the sky with itself
  • NEDAJNO - the village got its name from the inhabitants, who, according to tradition, did not allow a monastery to be built there
  • NESH'S HAIR – after the owner Neš
  • NIKITOVIĆA PEŠELJEVICA - Nikitovića - after Jevto Nikitović, Pešeljevica - after the former owners Pešelji
  • NIKOLIN DO - after the shepherd Nikola, who died and was buried there
  • NOVAKOVlĆI – the village got its name from the first settlers who lived in Novakovlć (descendants of Novak Žugić)
  • NOSTRILS – looks like nostrils
  • NJEGOVUĐA - after the hajduk meeting on St. George's Day. "He is not there, but the leaders" (His-leaders-Njegovuđe)
  • ROUND HEAD - in that it resembles a shaved head
  • HOOP – looks like a hoop
  • OBZIR - according to Marko Kraljević, who "looked" when, according to legend, he jumped from one end of the Tara canyon to the other in Šarac, to see where he jumped from.
  • OĐA – a steep climb up which you go from the village of Tepaca to Ćurevac
  • OZINA GLAVlCA - according to Hodja, who was executed there
  • OGORELOVAC - after a burn after a fire
  • FENCES – by raised fences around the fields
  • OGRAĖENICA - the village got its name from the fences
  • OGRAĐENICKI MILNI - got its name from the village of Ograđenici, whose villagers were the owners of the mill
  • WINDOW - looks like a pane (window)
  • EYE - a source that looks like an eye
  • OMAR – part of the land overgrown with beech (omar)
  • OMER'S CAVE – named after Omer, who was executed and dumped there
  • NUT - got its name from walnuts
  • ORIN KATUN – after Ori, who had his huts there
  • ARROWFIELDS - by plowed fields - arable fields
  • AXIAL BEAMS - cliffs shielded from the sun (opposite to the sun-facing side)
  • OSREDAK – is located in the middle, between Veliki and Mali Crni Jezera and connects them
  • OSTAVNI KRŠ - got its name from the leaving and burying of food and things, when fleeing from the Turks
  • OTOKA - periodic river, through which water flows from the Black Lake
  • OCVENO POLJE - got its name from the sheep that grazed there in autumn and spring. According to others, it got its name from sowing oats
  • OVČI BOGAZ - along the path of the sheep, which they used to leave the Jablan pond on Crvena Gredo
  • OVČI BROD – the boat got its name from the sheep that were chased there across the Tara
  • PALEŽ - the village got its name from the burning of the forest to obtain arable land
  • ARSONS - after setting fire to the forest
  • PANALJ - border between Pošćenjska and Komarska mountains (grazing) - "this far, but no further" - panalj
  • STUMPS – by the remains of felled trees
  • PARIP'S FIELD - after the parips, the stallions, who grazed there
  • PASHA'S CROWD - this is where Redzep Pasha and his brother Hajduk Hoxha were stoned
  • PASINA VODA - named after the executed Mustaj Pasha Selmanović, who was executed by Anđelija Kosorić in 1705, thus avenging her husband, Duke Ilija
  • PAŠINAC – a spring named after Mustaj Pasha Selmanović, who camped there with the army during the campaign on Drobnjak in 1705.
  • PEJOV DO – named after Pej Jakšić
  • PEJOVIĆA PEŠELJEVICA - Pejovića - according to the Pejović family, Pešeljevica - according to the former owners Pešelji
  • PENDREK DO – the neighborhood where the militiamen first built houses
  • PANDAWAY – on the sand
  • PETR'S SIDE - according to the owner Petar (Kasalica)
  • PETROVlCA – named after Duke Momčil's brother, Petronius
  • PILJEVAC - the source got me from the piljes, the stones located at its bottom
  • PIRLITOR – got its name from two words: "pir" - feast and Iito" - rock; meaning "feast on the rock"
  • PISTALINE - by a thin stream of water, which drips - leaks
  • SANDSTONE – on the sand
  • PLEĆE – one of the peaks of Durmitor, named after the shoulders, which it resembles
  • FLOOR - by a plane that looks like a floor
  • PODGORA - a village located below the mountain (forest)
  • PODINČA VALLEY - after the Podinčić family, who had stables there
  • VIEW - for the beautiful view in all directions
  • GLEDNI KRŠ - by the view that shoots in all directions
  • SHELVES – they look like shelves in huts
  • POLJANCI - in that they look like a meadow, but are much smaller in area
  • POLJANE - named after the plain
  • PONOR DANILOVlĆA - according to the owners Danilović
  • PONOR ŠIBALlĆA - by the Šibalić family
  • PONORI - by submerging the water
  • HONESTY – according to one version, it was named after the honesty of the inhabitants. According to the second, Pošćenje originates from "the passage through (through) the rock"
  • POŠĆENSKA DOLINA – according to Pošćenjani
  • POŠĆENSKA STRANA - for Pošćenjani (from Panalj to Sljemen)
  • POŠĆENSKI KATUN – according to the owners from Pošćenje
  • POŠĆENSKI KRAJ – the village was named after the settlers from Pošćenj
  • POŠĆEN LAKE - after the people of Pošćen, who had their katuns around it
  • POSLANIŠTE - a hamlet of the village of Javorje, named after sending messages to Komarnica, from where the Krstajići (Čančarići) immigrated
  • RACING – got its name from horse racing
  • RETURN – after returning the cattle from the shepherd
  • PREVIJA – named after the prevoj (previja)
  • RUNNING LOG – by the spruce log (the rest of the trunk) that got in the way there
  • CROSSINGS – by river crossings
  • PRIJESPA - there is a "broken" (walled) border between Piva and Drobnjak, according to legend between the feet of Motička baba, who swore that she stood with one foot on Drobnjačka and the other on Piva land
  • PRIPORAC – a steep and steep (vertical) side in Motička gaj
  • PURSUIT HEAD - after chasing (forcing) cattle to graze
  • AVERAGE - after cutting the road, between Žabljak and Šavnik
  • PROVALIJA – the village got its name from a place that resembles a precipice
  • PRUTAŠ - according to legend, the shepherds made stairs from their own sticks, in order to climb to the top and punish the fairies, who killed the shepherd Todor.
  • PRUTAŠKI DO – along Prutaš, at the foot of which it is located
  • PUŠELJ CAVE - after the Puselj family, who took refuge there from the Turks
  • PUSONJA POOL - after the Pusonja family, who used to spend their summers there
  • RADONJICA – a rock in the Tara canyon, named after the hajduk Radonja
  • RADOSAVLJE MARBLE - grave of Radosav (Baranina)
  • RADOVAN BRDO – after Radovan
  • RADOVAN LUKA - after Radovan, a peasant from Tepac, who transported passengers there by raft across the Tara
  • RADOVO LICE – sunny side, named after the owner Rado
  • RADUL'S COTTAGE - after the owner Radul
  • RADULOVICA - spring, which was the first to be fenced off by Radule (Kaljević)
  • RAKITOVA BARA – a pond covered with rickets (a type of willow)
  • RAM'S COTTAGE - named after Radoj - Ram (Kaljević)
  • RAM'S THROAT - after the Turk Ram, who was caught there with his bare hands by the bandit Vuk Lopušina
  • RANISAVA – after the shepherd Sava, who was the first (early) to drive his cattle out to pasture
  • RAPE - hard-to-pass valleys, overgrown with juniper pine curves
  • RAVNA GORA - according to the configuration of the terrain (forested plain)
  • FLAT CEILINGS - got their name from the fact that they resemble an attic
  • FLAT TOP – got its name from being flat
  • RAVNI ZAGONI - the place where bandits were hiding - attacked the Turks
  • RYE HEAD - got its name from a grass that looks like rye
  • RYE TO – per grain of rye
  • RYE FIELD - got its name from the grass that resembles rye
  • MILLS - after the former mills, which were demolished
  • RAŽVRŠE - the village got its name from the hay, which was raked there in the winter
  • BACKBONE – looks like the back of an animal
  • RESTOVAC – got its name from the remains - restls
  • RONČEVIĆI – after the Rončević family
  • RUDINOVAČA - according to the type of flower, which blushes there
  • RUNJEVlCA - according to the rujevini plant
  • RUTOVICA DOLOVI - after the Laušević family, whose nickname is Ruto
  • RUTUŠA'S CAVE - after Rutuša, who took refuge there with his cattle
  • RUŽlCA - one of the peaks of Durmitor, named after the shepherdess Ruzica, who fled there from grief, when fairies killed her beloved shepherd Todor
  • RUZINO PRISOJE - after Ruža (Baranin)
  • BURNT BOARDS – this is where the curved pine burned
  • SAMAR – looks like samar
  • SANDALJEVAC – the spring was named after Sandalj Hranić, the former ruler of these regions
  • SANDlCA UBO - according to the Sandić family, on whose estate it is located
  • COMPONENTS – got their name from the fact that Tara and Sušica meet there
  • SAVIN KUK – after Saint Sava, who rested there
  • SAVINA VODA - the spring named after Saint Sava. The water flowed when Saint Sava crossed the place with a stick
  • SADDLE BEAM – in that it resembles part of a saddle
  • SEDLENI DO – the valley between the saddles
  • SADDLE ROLLS – bigger stones in the saddle
  • SEDLO – the pass between Valoviti and Dobro dol, named after the saddle it resembles
  • SELINA – a village in the Tara canyon at the foot of Pirlitor, named after the people who moved and lived there for a short time
  • SLĆOVA ČEKALlCA - after the hunter Sić, who died there waiting for game
  • HAY HAIR – according to the hay, which is cut there
  • SILJEV KRS - based on siljevina grass, which has a pleasant smell
  • SILJEVACKI BUK - by siljevan grass, which is abundant in the vicinity
  • CHEESE DO – by milk cheese
  • SIROVA GORA – in a forest where there were no dried trees
  • SENOKOS - the meadow got its name from the abundance of grass
  • SKAKALA - got its name from the stepped floors
  • LOCUSTS - in that they resemble grasshoppers (gradual fall)
  • SMETOVAČA - for snow litter
  • SMRČEVO BRDO – because it was once overgrown with a spruce forest
  • SMRDAN - spring in Motica Gaj, named after a plant with saber leaves, called smrdan
  • SNOW BLOCKS - got their name from large snow deposits covered with leaves and straw (a natural refrigerator)
  • SOKINA VALLEY – after the shepherd Soka (Šibalić)
  • SOKOLAC - after the former habitat of the falcon bird
  • FALCON - after the falcon bird
  • SOPOT - spring, named after the water in it sopoce (bubbles)
  • RAFTER - by the rafts, which are assembled there, for rafting with Tara
  • SRNDALJICA - spring named after the roe deer that feed on it
  • STARČEVIĆI - after the Starčević family
  • STARI GAJ - the place where the Vuković family first settled
  • STOŽINA – a lonely rock, which looks like a pivot (a pole around which a horse turns, when threshing grain)
  • GUARD HOUSE - guard was kept there so that the Turks would not attack suddenly
  • STRIJEŽEVICE - the place got its name from the stream of the same name, which flows from the Pošćenj lake. When it's very cold, the stream freezes
  • STRUGA - in that it resembles a lathe - the door in the pen, where the sheep are closed
  • STUBLINA VOJINOVIĆA - spring, named after the Vojinović family, who built the stem there
  • STEM BEAM – looks like a stem
  • NOVEMBER – because it is cold most of the year
  • STUDENAC – spring named after clear and cold water
  • SURDUP – got its name because of the steep slope
  • WHEY - got its name from whey - the liquid that remains after cheese is made
  • SUŠICA - got its name because it dries up in the summer
  • SUŠIĆKO JEZERO – around Sušica, where it appears periodically
  • DRY POOL - a lake that dries up
  • DRY TAVANI – a plain without water that looks like an attic
  • SUVODO – got its name because there is not enough water
  • SRABLJE JEZERO – got its name from the belief that its water cures itching
  • ŠALINTRACA – the cave got its name from saltpeter for making gunpowder. In the absence of saltpeter, goat manure was used
  • SARANCI - the area got its name from the inhabitants of Saranci
  • ŠARBAN – after the shepherd Šarban, who got swept away (frozen)
  • COLORFUL DOGS – named after their appearance
  • SAUL'S GROB - after Šaulić, who was buried there
  • SHEVARITA POOL - according to the shevar with which it is overgrown
  • SCRAPS – sharp indentations in the rocks
  • ŠKRČKA JEZERA – named after Škrka
  • THROAT - in that it resembles a pharynx
  • SCRATCH - got its name from scratches, creaks and cracks
  • HELMETS - one of the peaks of Durmitor that looks like a helmet (top of a roof)
  • STUOC - from "hiccup" - runs away. There, they fled from the Turks from Drobnjak to Pivo and vice versa, depending on where the Turks were attacking
  • ŠUMANOVAC – got its name from the richness of the forest in the immediate vicinity of the village
  • SHUSNJARlCA - by fallen leaves - šushnja
  • TATINAC – knife for a special type of source
  • TARA - according to one interpretation, this word is of ancient Indian origin and denotes speed and sharpness - "fast river". According to another interpretation, it was named after the Illyrian tribe that lived around it and was called AUTARIATI
  • TAR PHARYNGE – in that it resembles a pharynx
  • CALVES TO - by the calves that grazed there
  • TEPAČKI BROD – crossing over the Tara in Tepcima
  • TEPAČKI BUKOVI - around the village of Tepca
  • TEPAČKO FIELD - according to the owners from Tepac
  • TEPCA - the village got its name from the inhabitants who moved there from Trepac near Nikšić
  • TERZIN BOGAZ - according to terzia - a tailor who was engaged in hunting, and there made checks (ambushes)
  • YEWS KRŠ - according to the yew tree that grows there
  • TlTO'S CAVE – a cave near Mali jezera, where in May 1943. Tito stayed
  • TMORSKA GLAVICA - got its name from the coniferous forest, which is dense, dark, gloomy - gloomy
  • TOČAK - the source got its name from the fact that it constantly pours (leaks)
  • TODOROV DO - named after the shepherd Todoro, who died there from fairies
  • TODOR'S BEAM - after the shepherd Todora, who was thrown there by the fairies because he did not want to give up his fiancee, the shepherdess Ruzica
  • TODOR'S CAVE - after the shepherd Todoro, who stayed there
  • TOKOVI DOLOVI - according to Tak (Badnjar)
  • TOPAL'S LOM - by fallen broken trees. Topal means crippled.
  • LOAD BREAK – after loading the horse
  • TRGILJ - there used to be a square (shop). Earlier it was called Trginj, which means border.
  • TULJAK - difficult to walk due to the dense coniferous forest
  • ENTRANCES - the place where you enter the canyon
  • OIL MILL - a place where there used to be an oil mill, which processed juniper pine.
  • URDENI DO - after curd - hard cheese
  • ROAR - by roaring - roaring of the wind
  • USKOCI - the village got its name from the inhabitants, who "jumped" from Sandžak, fleeing from the Turks
  • WEIGHED - per boiler - weighed
  • WAVY TO – after a big wave
  • VALOVITO JEZERO – by the undulating valley in which it is located
  • VARDA – after the longer "Varda", which once cut down the forest
  • VARDICE – on Varda
  • VAREZINA VODA – a well in Žabljak, named after the herdsman Vareza, who had his own hut there, where he boiled milk (from him Varežići u Piva)
  • LARGE CUP - looks like a cup for pouring milk
  • LARGE Trough – looks like a trough
  • VELIKA PREVIJA - a pass between two valleys
  • LARGE Puddles – by puddles, which never dry up
  • BIG DO – got its name from its size
  • BIG SHIELD – looks like a shield
  • BIG WAVE – after the big wave in Velika Kalika
  • VELJ'S GROB - after Velj Stijepović, who was buried there
  • VELJO KRŠ - after Velje (Baranin), who died there
  • VERGOV KRŠ – after Vergo Šarac
  • Otters - after the otters that live there
  • FAIRY WHEEL - according to the belief that fairies gather there and play the wheel
  • VINJEVA GLAVlCA - after the shepherd Vinja
  • VINE - got its name from a wild vine
  • VlRAK – the village got its name from the spring (well) of the same name at the foot of the village
  • VIRSKI STREAMS - in the village of Virko, under which they spring
  • WITCHES - according to the belief that witches gather there
  • WINDY HILLS – due to constant and strong air flow
  • VLAJK'S OKUKA - after Vlajko (Šaulić)
  • VLAJKOVA VODA - the source was named after Vlajko (Šaulić)
  • VLAJ'S STONE - after the shepherd Vlaj, who drank water from it, probably having previously dug it
  • WATER HEAD - source of several springs
  • WATER CAVE – by the water in it
  • VODENI DO – named after the water
  • VOJIN'S APARTMENT - according to Vojin, who once lived there - lived with cattle
  • VRANIĆI - after the Vranić family, which once lived there
  • VRANOVINA - the village got its name from the crows that landed on the grain
  • GATES - named after the fences with gates (gate on the fence)
  • DEVIL'S HEAD - after the devil who came out of the lake and rested there
  • DEVIL'S LAKE - got its name from the belief that the devil lives in it
  • VRELA – the village got its name from a number of sources
  • VRTOC FIELD - got its name from the sinkhole in which it is located
  • VUCJA BARA – after the passing of the wolves
  • VUCJA BRDA – according to the habitat of wolves
  • WOLF'S HEAD - after the wolf whose head it resembles
  • WOLF'S PEN - after a litter of wolves
  • THE WOLF'S TRAIL - because wolves move along this road from Kučajevica to Velika Kalica
  • VUKOD - according to the habitat of wolves
  • VULOVA POLJANA - after the owner Vulo Bašović
  • ZABOJ - because that's where the bandits welcomed the Turks (a place suitable for battle)
  • ZABOJSKO JEZERO – in the town of Zaboj
  • ZAGULJ – behind the place where the bark (bark from trees) was peeled, for covering the huts
  • entwined - after the entwined - tangled heather plant
  • PLANTING – per planted seedling
  • ZBORNA GLAVICA - due to the fact that the Drobnjaci gathered there, for choir and agreement
  • GREEN SPRING - by water, which has a green color due to its depth
  • ZLOSTUD - after the Great November
  • EVIL – got its name from the belief that whoever steps (goes) there will encounter evil
  • ZMAJEVAC - according to legend, dragons gather here
  • ZMINICA – village named after snakes
  • ZMINIČKO JEZERO - after white-eared snakes
  • ZMINJE JEZERO - by the trees around it, whose branches look like snakes
  • ZOPCI - peaks on Durmitor, which got their name because they look like teeth (from rake, rake)
  • ANIMAL FIELD - got its name from the wild game, which comes to water there
  • LIVING WATER - water that never dries up - constantly flows, as if it were alive
  • YELLOW BEAM – by the color of its rocks
  • ZABLJAČKA KLJEŠTINA (MUSJINA KLJEŠTINA) – named after Momčil Musja (Baranin)
  • ŽABLJAK - originally it was called Varezina voda, then Hanovi (or Nanovi), and from 1870 it got the name Žabnjak, i.e. Žabljak, after the croaking of frogs in Ravni Žabljak
  • YELLOW SIDE – got its name from the yellow appearance of the land