
Celebrating Europe Day

Celebrating Europe Day in Žabljak!

On the occasion of marking Europe Day on May 9, the State Secretary for European Integration and chief negotiator Ambassador Aleksandar Andrija Pejović will visit the municipality of Žabljak, where, together with associates and partners from the local self-government and NGO sector, he will, as in previous years, host a series of appropriate cultural and informative events to mark this significant European date. In cooperation with the municipality of Žabljak, the event will be accompanied by information stands on the town square where citizens will be able to learn more about the European Union and Montenegro's preparations for membership in a conversation with representatives of the Ministry.

In addition to speeches by officials, a rich educational and musical program for primary and secondary school students, performances by cultural and artistic societies and a souvenir fair, an Info Day on the Instrument of Pre-accession Support will also be organized, which will be an opportunity for employees of local self-government bodies, representatives of the civil sector and interested citizens familiarize themselves with the opportunities offered to them within the framework of European funds from IPA II in the period 2014-2020.

At 11:00 a.m., in the hall of the Municipality, an Info Day on IPA 2014-2020 will be held, while at 12:00 p.m., the Europe Day event will begin on the town square. The event will be opened by the President of the Municipality Veselin Vukićević and Ambassador Aleksandar Andrija Pejović, with the participation of primary and secondary school students from Žabljak who will perform recitations in Montenegrin and English and rhythmic dances. On that occasion, a souvenir fair of students from Zabljak schools will be held on the town square in honor of the tenth anniversary of the restoration of independence.