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The Club of Military Mountaineers of Montenegro "Captain" organizes

44th General Danilo Jauković Memorial, which will be held from July 12 to 14, 2021


July 2021 - Monday

14:00 – 14:30 – Laying of a wreath on the grave of Danilo Jauković (City Cemetery in Žabljak)

15:00 – 22:00 – Gathering of mountaineers in Dobro dol, setting up camp and socializing by the campfire.

July 2021 - Tuesday
07:30 – 08:00 – Registration of participants

08:00 – Welcome speech by the organizer

08:05 – Departure from Dobro dol (formation of groups and organization of order).

Group I – Bobot's hip

- Good up to - 1,722 masl

– Pass Sedlo – 1,911 masl

– Sedlana (Uvita) beam – 2,199 masl

– Zeleni vir – 2,028 masl

– Bobot's hip – 2,523 masl

II group – Škrčka jezera

- Good up to - 1,722 masl

– Škrčko džrijelo – 2,114 masl

– Škrčka jezera – 1,686 masl

15:00 – Joint lunch (soldier's beans) with refreshments in Dobro dol.

In the following, socializing in the camp.

July 2021 - Wednesday
08:00 – 12:00 – III round of the PSCG league in mountain orientation.