Memorial Danilo Jauković

In cooperation with the Army of Montenegro (Club of Military Mountaineers "Kapetan") and the Mountaineering Association of Montenegro, with the support of the "Trebjesa" Brewery and the Durmitor National Park, we will organize a traditional hike to Bobot's hip on July 13 and 14, this year the 39th ok

  • On July 13, a wreath will be laid for General Danilo Jauković at the local cemetery in Žabljak, then a gathering and socializing of mountaineers around a campfire in Dobro dol is planned.
  • On July 14, two groups of participants will be formed, of which one group will climb Bobotov kuk (2524), while the other group will visit Škrčka jezera.

The memorial is dedicated to the celebrated general, national hero and mountaineer Danilo Jauković, who promoted the mountains and mountaineering of Montenegro in the best possible way with his way of life.

You can find more information on the website of the Mountaineering Association: and Memorial_general_Danilo_Jaukovic