
Public call for training participants within the project "employment is in nature boost the employment of hard to employ groups by using natural resources"

The municipality of Žabljak announces a PUBLIC CALL for training and employment within the project:
"Employment is in nature - Boost the employment of 'hard to employ' groups by
using natural resources" (Employability is in nature), within the framework of the IPA II grant scheme "Support
smart and inclusive growth - employment and social inclusion 2020", which he finances

The European Union, and it is co-financed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of Montenegro.
The partner of the Municipality of Žabljak in the implementation of the project is the Tourist Organization Žabljak.

By approving this project, the European Union recognized the employment of the more difficult to employ
category through the preservation of old crafts and valuable intangible heritage of the Durmitor area and

The project establishes a workshop for the production of wool, wood and metal products
conditions will be created for training and employment of people, as well as a souvenir shop where they will be sold
high-quality authentic souvenirs that will create new value for the development of sustainable tourism on
in the territory of the municipality of Žabljak.

The right to respond to this invitation is exclusively for unemployed persons who are
on the records of the Employment Office and permanent residence in the municipality of Žabljak.
When submitting an application to the Public Call, unemployed persons will express their interest
-Training for the production of wool products;
-Training for the production of souvenirs from wood and stone (on CNC machines, machines for
pendants, magnet machines).

The trainings will last for a month, during which the costs will be covered for the unemployed
transportation and one meal. The project envisages that 15 people will attend training (8 people for training for
woolen products, 7 persons for training for souvenirs). Upon completion of the training, based on the Report
trainers who will implement the same, 6 persons will be hired for a period of 13 months, while 5
persons to have the possibility of self-employment through project grants.

Required documentation:
- Extract from the records of the Employment Office;
- Copy of diploma (proof of acquired level of education);
-Declaration of interest in one of the two trainings offered.

As the project for the purpose has the support of more difficult employable categories, advantage in scoring
candidates will be unemployed persons from the so-called "vulnerable groups" (single parents, women, young people, persons
of mature age, people with disabilities, beneficiaries of social benefits).

Applications for this call can be submitted as follows:
Via e-mail address:

Municipality of Žabljak: projectizabljak@gmail.com,

TO Zabljak: tocgzabljak@gmail.com,

Labor Bureau Žabljak: marko.bozovic@zzzcg.me,

Center for Social Work Žabljak: zeljko.pejovic@czsr.me

with the note "Employment is in nature - open call for training participants"

By phone:

Municipality of Žabljak 052 361 978,

TO Zabljak 052 361 802,

Labor Office Žabljak 052 360 030,

Center for Social Work Žabljak 052-360-151.

In the premises of the Municipality of Žabljak, TO Žabljak, Labor Bureau Žabljak and Center for Social Work Žabljak.

The deadline for submitting an application is February 15, 2024. until 3 p.m.